The neurophysiological effects of emotional stress with respect to adaptive physiology and illness: understanding psychoneuroimmunology and psychoneurophysiology in health and illness.
Promoting self esteem, inner peace, and happiness and reducing stress by developing belief systems and behaviours that are congruent with your core values.
Understanding human behaviour change: why focusing on belief systems rather than behaviours is the key to successful and easy personal habit change.
Review of scientific evidence showing the health-promoting and illness-preventing benefits of positive mental attitude and congruent belief systems.
Introduction and implementation of The Innate State of Mind®& Emotional Hygiene (Belief systems and internal dialogue according to our innate genetic requirements for homeostasis)
Discover Dr Chestnut's principles for the Innate State of Mind® & Emotional Hygiene.
The neurophysiological effects of emotional stress with respect to adaptive physiology and illness: understanding psychoneuroimmunology and psychoneurophysiology in health and illness.
The neurophysiological effects of physical stress from subluxation with respect to adaptive physiology and illness: understanding somatoneuroimmunology and somatoneurophysiology in health and illness.
Promoting self esteem, inner peace, and happiness and reducing stress by developing belief systems and behaviours that are congruent with your core values.
Understanding human behaviour change: why focusing on belief systems rather than behaviours is the key to successful and easy personal habit change.
Review of scientific evidence showing the health promoting and illness preventing benefits of positive mental attitude and congruent belief systems.
Introduction and implementation of The Innate State of Mind® & Emotional Hygiene (Belief systems and internal dialogue according to our innate genetic requirements for homeostasis)
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Audio CD - The Wellness & Prevention Paradigm Audio Presentation